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How much does a website cost?

How the costs for a website differ depending on the type and scope

from Sarah Günther


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Nowadays, developing a website is essential for every company, every self-employed person and even for many private individuals. But one question that almost always arises is: How much does a website cost? The answer to this is not straightforward, as the cost depends on various factors – from design and complexity to ongoing operating costs. In this blog article, we provide a comprehensive overview of the various cost factors that need to be taken into account when creating and maintaining a website.

How much a website costs

A website can range from a simple, static page to a complex e-commerce store with a multitude of functions. As a website creation agency, we know that the costs depend heavily on how extensive and technically sophisticated the site is. Basically, the creation of a website can be divided into three main categories:

  • Simple website or portfolio page: A simple website with a few subpages, which is primarily used to present information about a person, a company or a portfolio, is usually cheaper. Such sites generally require less design and development work and can often be created for as little as 500 to 2,000 euros.
  • Corporate website with multiple functions: For small and medium-sized companies that need a more professional presence and may want to integrate special functions such as contact forms, interactive elements or a blog, the costs typically range between €3,000 and €10,000.
  • Complex websites and online stores: When it comes to a large e-commerce store or platform with custom features such as booking systems, user profiles or extensive databases, costs can quickly rise to €10,000 to €50,000 or more. These websites not only require more development time, but also more technical support and ongoing maintenance.

Professional agency vs. DIY platforms: What’s the difference?

When creating a website, the question often arises: should I hire a professional agency or use a do-it-yourself (DIY) platform such as Wix, Squarespace or Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages – and last but not least, the costs differ considerably.

DIY platforms

DIY platforms offer a cost-effective way to create a simple website quickly and without a lot of technical know-how. These modular systems are ideal for sole traders, small businesses or private individuals who do not have a large budget. The monthly costs for such platforms are usually between 10 and 40 euros, depending on the additional features such as premium templates, e-commerce functionality or additional storage space.

Advantages of DIY platforms:
  • Low costs: You only pay for hosting and some additional functions.
  • Simple operation: No in-depth technical knowledge required.
  • Fast results: You can create a website in just a few hours or days.
Disadvantages of DIY platforms:
  • Limited flexibility: Customization options are limited, especially for functions that are not included in the modular system.
  • Limited design: Templates offer fewer options for customization.

Professional web agencies

A professional website agency offers you customised solutions that are perfectly tailored to your needs. Agencies employ experts in web design, programming, SEO and content creation to ensure that your website not only looks good, but also functions optimally.

As a web development agency, we help you to create and optimize your website. Our digital experts are at your side!

Budget planning tips for creating a website

As a website creation agency, we know that website costs can quickly spiral out of control if a clear budget is not defined in advance. Here are some tips on how to keep your costs under control:
  • Define your goals: Think about which functions and features you really need. A clear idea of the requirements helps to avoid unnecessary expenditure.
  • Obtain several offers: If you want to hire an agency, you should compare different offers. Make sure that the offers are comparable and include all the necessary services.
  • Prioritize: It’s better to create a solid base version of your website and add additional features later, rather than implementing everything at once.
  • Plan a buffer: Even if you plan your budget carefully, you should always include a buffer of around 10 to 20% for unexpected costs.

Possible additional costs and hidden costs when developing a website

Besides the obvious design and development costs, there are many hidden or additional costs that are often overlooked. Some of these are:
  1. Licences for premium plugins and themes: Even if you work on a DIY platform, additional costs may be incurred for plugins, special templates or premium functions.
  2. Images and multimedia: Professional images and videos cost money. If you have to use stock photos, this can result in additional fees.
  3. Test and optimization tools: If you want to carry out A/B tests or use special analysis tools, additional costs may arise here.

There are some hidden costs that are often overlooked when it comes to website development. These are:

  1. SSL certificates: An SSL certificate is crucial for the security of your website and improves your search engine ranking. While some hosting providers offer free SSL certificates, others charge additional costs.
  2. Legal texts and data protection: Depending on the nature of your website, you are legally obliged to create data protection declarations, legal notices and possibly even terms and conditions. It is advisable to consult a lawyer in order to use legally secure texts.
  3. Backups and security measures: Regular backups and security updates are important to protect your website from hacker attacks. Additional costs may also be incurred here through special tools or service contracts.

Integration of additional services (SEO, content creation)

A successful website requires more than just good design. SEO (search engine optimization) and content creation are two other factors that play a role when it comes to making your website visible in search engines and interesting for your visitors.
  • SEO costs: Creating an SEO-optimized website is often part of the services offered by agencies, but can also be commissioned as an independent service. The costs for SEO services can range from 500 to several thousand euros per month, depending on how extensive the optimizations are.
  • Content creation: Good content is at the heart of every successful website. Whether you need texts, blog articles or product descriptions – professional copywriters usually charge between 50 and 150 euros per page, depending on the complexity of the content.

Ongoing costs: maintenance, updates, hosting

Even after your website has gone live, there are ongoing costs that you need to keep an eye on. These include:
  • Hosting: Monthly hosting costs vary greatly and depend on how large and sophisticated your website is. Cheap hosting can start at as little as 5 to 10 euros per month, while larger sites can cost up to 100 euros or more.
  • Maintenance and updates: Regular security updates and technical maintenance are essential to ensure that your website always works properly. These costs can range from 50 to 500 euros per month, depending on the complexity of the site.
  • Domain costs: The annual costs for your domain are typically between 10 and 50 euros, depending on the domain extension and the provider.


The cost of a website depends heavily on the type, functions and requirements. From DIY solutions costing just a few euros per month to complex projects that can cost tens of thousands of euros, there is a solution to suit every need and budget. It is important that you not only consider the initial development costs, but also keep an eye on the ongoing expenses to ensure that your website remains successful in the long term.

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