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Google Core Update August 2024

How the changes in the content algorithm affect search results

by Aleksandra Tomic Plahuta


Google Core Update im August 2024

Google Core Updates are regular adjustments to the search algorithm that can have a major impact on the ranking of websites. The aim of these updates is to further improve search results and provide users with more relevant content. As an SEO agency, we explain in this article what the latest update involves, what its goals are and how webmasters and content creators can adapt to the new requirements.

What is the Google Core Update in August 2024?

The August 2024 Core Update was completed on September 3. The rollout began on August 15 and lasted 16 days. Core updates aim to improve the way Google’s algorithm works overall, particularly in terms of ranking website content and providing the most relevant search results for users. While small updates happen regularly in the background, core updates are much more extensive and often lead to noticeable changes in search results. The focus of the August update is on improving the evaluation of content quality, relevance and authority. Google has refined its method of analyzing and ranking content to provide users with the most informative, trustworthy and relevant results. This update places particular emphasis on eliminating “thin” content that doesn’t provide enough value and promotes websites that provide in-depth and reliable information to their users.

What are the main goals of the Google Core Update in August 2024?

The Google Core Update in August 2024 pursues several central goals aimed at further improving the user experience in Google searches:
  1. Promote high-quality content: Google wants to favor content that stands out in terms of its depth, accuracy and relevance. Sites that comprehensively address specific topics and cover them thoroughly are rewarded more than content that only scratches the surface.
  2. Reinforce E-A-T principles: E-A-T stands for “Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness”. The update places an even stronger focus on ensuring that websites that are considered experts in their field rank better. Author profiles are increasingly checked and sources are examined for their credibility.
  3. Better detection of spam and low-quality content: Websites that attempt to rank using manipulative SEO techniques such as keyword stuffing or the use of over-optimized content will be penalized more severely with the August update. Google has improved its ability to recognize and combat these low-quality tactics.
  4. Improving user satisfaction: Ultimately, Google wants users to be satisfied with the search results. This means that content that is quickly accessible, easy to understand and relevant to the search query will perform better.

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What impact does the Google Core Update have on search results?

The Google Core Update in August 2024 has already had a visible impact on search results shortly after its introduction. Some of the biggest changes concern:
  1. Ranking fluctuations: As with every major update, there were significant ranking shifts this time around. Websites that offer valuable and high-quality content have seen their rankings improve in many cases. In contrast, sites that rely on thin or over-optimized content often lost places in the search results.
  2. More focus on long-form content: Longer and more detailed content tends to perform better after the update, especially if it is well-structured and offers users real added value. Users should receive the information they are looking for without having to resort to multiple sources
  3. Shift in the authority of niche websites: Expert sites and those that specialize in a particular subject area seem to benefit from the update. This means that general websites in certain niches could lose visibility if they do not offer the same depth and authority as specialized sites.
  4. Improved mobile user experience: As more and more users are accessing Google on mobile devices, the update has once again placed a major focus on mobile user-friendliness. Websites that are not optimized for mobile devices will tend to perform worse in the search results.

What you should know about the August 2024 core update

As always, SEOs and site operators cannot react immediately to the changes in order to achieve a quick turnaround in rankings. Long-term content strategies and technical nuances remain crucial. Google’s Search Advocate John Mueller emphasized the importance of quality features, commenting on the update: “[…] With this update, we’re continuing our work to improve the quality of our search results by showing more content that users find genuinely useful, and less content that gives the impression that it was created just to perform well in search. This latest update takes into account the feedback we’ve received from some creators and others over the last few months. As always, our goal is to connect users with a range of high quality sites, including small or independent sites that create useful, original content that is relevant to users’ search queries. This is an area that we will continue to consider in future updates. This update also aims to better capture improvements that sites have made so that we can continue to showcase the best sites on the web. We’ve also updated our help page on core updates, which includes more detailed guidance for those who notice changes after an update.”

Measures to adapt to the new core update

To improve your visibility, it is important to adapt your strategies to the requirements of the August update. As an SEO agency, we provide you with some measures that can help you continue to rank successfully:
  1. Quality over quantity: Instead of producing a lot of superficial content, websites should focus on creating high-quality and in-depth content. Content that covers a topic comprehensively and answers real questions will perform better.
  2. Strengthen authority: It is advisable to increase the authority and credibility of the website. This can be done by building backlinks from trusted sites, improving the author profile and publishing sound and fact-based content.
  3. Mobile optimization: Mobile usability should not be neglected. Fast loading times, an appealing design and easy navigation on mobile devices are essential.
  4. Technical SEO: Ensure that the website is technically sound by paying attention to clean URLs, fast loading times and proper indexing.

Expert tips for optimizing the website after the update

Here are some additional expert tips to optimize your website after the Google Core Update in August 2024:

  • Use data for behavioral analysis: Use analytics tools such as Matomo to monitor metrics such as bounce rate, dwell time and page views. This data provides valuable insights into whether your content is meeting users’ expectations and answering their search queries.
  • Update existing content: Review older content and update it with new information, improved wording or current sources to increase its relevance and quality.
  • Create content for the user, not for the search engine: Design content so that it directly addresses users’ needs and questions instead of focusing solely on search engine optimization.

How often does Google carry out updates and how can I stay up to date?

Google carries out regular updates, many of which are small and barely noticeable. Major updates, such as the core update in August 2024, take place around three to four times a year. In addition to the core updates, there are also specific updates, such as the Panda or Penguin update, which target specific areas (e.g. spam or mobile friendliness).
To stay up to date, it is advisable to regularly follow SEO blogs, official Google announcements and specialized forums. It can also be helpful to use SEO tools that monitor changes in rankings and other effects of updates.


The Google Core Update in August 2024 will bring important changes to the content algorithm aimed at promoting high-quality and trustworthy content. Website operators who adapt to the new requirements and focus on relevance, authority and user-friendliness have a good chance of improving their visibility in search results. Adapting to these changes is crucial in order to remain competitive.

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