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Instagram tests vertical grid layout

Revolution for the feed? Vertical grid layout put to the test

from Aleksandra Tomic Plahuta


Instagram Grid-Layout

Instagram hat sich seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2010 stetig weiterentwickelt, um den Bedürfnissen und Vorlieben seiner Nutzer gerecht zu werden. Eine der neuesten Änderungen, die derzeit getestet wird, ist ein vertikales Grid-Layout. Diese Neuerung könnte einen bedeutenden Wandel in der Art und Weise darstellen, wie Nutzer und Marken Inhalte auf der Plattform konsumieren und präsentieren. In diesem Blogartikel beleuchten wir als Agentur für Social Media, was es mit dem vertikalen Grid-Layout auf sich hat, welche Vorteile es bietet und wie die Community auf diese Veränderung reagiert.

What is a grid layout and what role does it play on Instagram?

Instagram’s layout has always been a central element of the platform. The visual presentation of images and videos, organized in a grid, is one of the characteristic features that have made Instagram one of the most popular social networks worldwide. Previously, the well-known “3×3” grid layout was the standard format for the profile view, which made the presentation of content relatively rigid and linear. Doch nun experimentiert Instagram laut seinem Chef Adam Mosseri mit einem neuen Layout: einem vertikalen Grid-Layout. Diese Änderung soll die mobile Nutzung weiter optimieren und den wachsenden Trend zu vertikalen Inhalten unterstützen, der sich bereits auf Plattformen wie TikTok durchgesetzt hat. Instagram testet diese Funktion derzeit mit ausgewählten Nutzern, was zu Spekulationen über das zukünftige Design der Plattform geführt hat. Ein Grid-Layout bezieht sich auf die Art und Weise, wie Inhalte in einem visuellen Raster auf einer Seite oder einem Bildschirm organisiert werden. Im Fall von Instagram bedeutet dies die Anordnung von Bildern und Videos auf den Profilseiten. Bislang werden die Inhalte in einem 3×3-Raster dargestellt, das Nutzern einen schnellen Überblick über die Beiträge einer Person oder Marke ermöglicht. This layout has long been a key element for Instagram, as it allows users to see multiple pieces of content at a glance and creates aesthetic coherence. The grid is also particularly important for brands and influencers, who often rely on thoughtful visuals to convey a particular message or aesthetic. A clean and well-planned grid can help reinforce brand identity and maximize interactions with followers. As visual content is the core of Instagram, the grid layout is crucial to the way content is perceived and presented. With the introduction of the vertical layout, Instagram aims to redesign this cornerstone and adapt it to the needs of its users.

The advantages of a vertical grid layout for users and brands.

As a social media agency, we know that the vertical grid layout can offer significant benefits for both users and brands:

  1. Optimization for mobile use: Since the majority of Instagram users use the platform on mobile devices, a vertical grid layout could provide a more natural and user-friendly view. Scrolling through content in portrait mode is more intuitive as it follows the normal movements of the thumb on the smartphone. This could lead to a better user experience, especially for people who regularly browse many profiles.
  2. Improved display of content: A vertical layout could make better use of the entire screen and give individual posts more space. This is particularly beneficial for visually demanding content, such as high-resolution photos or videos. Users and brands could present their content more clearly and impressively.
  3. More focus on individual posts: While the previous grid shows several posts at the same time, a vertical layout could draw more attention to individual posts. This allows users to engage more intensively with each individual post, which can be particularly beneficial for brands that want to convey their message in a targeted manner.
  4. New creative possibilities: The vertical layout could also open up new creative approaches. Brands could experiment with the layout to create a cohesive narrative across multiple posts or customize the visual style of their content.

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How does the new layout work and what impact does it have on the user experience?

The vertical grid layout works in a similar way to the familiar layout, but with a few key differences. Instead of the classic 3×3 display of posts, the focus is placed on vertical scrolling, which allows content to appear full screen. This leads to a better display of portrait-format photos and videos, which have already gained popularity through Instagram Stories and Reels.
This means for the user experience:
  • Seamless scrolling: The vertical layout could make scrolling through content much smoother and more natural, as there is no need to swipe horizontally.
  • Greater interaction: As individual posts take up more space, users may be more inclined to engage more intensively with the content, be it through likes, comments or sharing posts.
  • More coherent visual presentation: Especially for brands that rely heavily on visual branding, this layout could provide a way to present content in a more consistent and aesthetically pleasing way.

Feedback and reactions from the community to the test vertical grid layout

Community reactions to the vertical grid layout have been mixed so far. While some users find the new design refreshing and appealing, there are also critical voices that see the change as unnecessary or disruptive. Many users praise the better display of content and the improved mobile user experience. Young users in particular, who are already used to similar layouts from TikTok, find the vertical grid layout intuitive and pleasant. On the other hand, some long-time users and influencers are skeptical. Many of them have strategically used the classic 3×3 layout to create aesthetic connections between their posts. Switching to a vertical layout could complicate these plans and may require an adjustment to their content strategy. Brands have also shown mixed reactions. While some recognize the potential of vertical layout for content presentation, others are concerned that their existing visual display strategies need to be rethought.

Conclusion: Is the vertical grid layout the future of Instagram?

Whether the vertical grid layout is the future of Instagram remains to be seen. The feature is currently still in the test phase and it is unclear whether Instagram will introduce this design for all users. However, the trend towards vertical content, driven by platforms such as TikTok and the increasing importance of mobile devices, suggests that Instagram could evolve its direction. The vertical grid layout offers clear advantages in terms of the mobile user experience and the presentation of content. It could be particularly beneficial for visually-oriented brands and users who want to present their content in portrait formats. However, Instagram will need to be careful not to alienate existing users and influencers who value and use the classic 3×3 layout. Overall, the experimentation with new layouts shows that Instagram is striving to continuously adapt to the changing needs of its users. Whether the vertical grid layout is the future depends on how the platform integrates this innovation into its existing structure and how users react to it.

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