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Our 5 tips for efficient recruiting

And successful personnel selection

from Sarah Günther


Employer Branding und Recruiting

The success of a company stands and falls with its employees. But how do you find the right talent that fits into the team both professionally and culturally? This is the challenge you face time and time again when looking for new employees. In this article, we share tried-and-tested strategies and inspiring case studies to help you recruit not only qualified staff, but also the right staff and retain them in the long term.

Tip 1: Clarity about the requirements

Before the search begins, the requirements should be clearly defined. Create a detailed job profile that describes not only the professional qualifications, but also the personal characteristics that are important for the position and the team. A precise profile helps you to approach the right candidates from the outset and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. You can read here how to create a requirements profile that attracts the right applicants.

Tip 2: Authentic employer branding

Above all, however, strong employer branding is crucial for attracting the right candidates. Present your company authentically and show what makes your company special and unique as an employer. Use various channels to communicate your corporate culture, values and way of working.

Case Study: itestra

We developed a comprehensive IT recruiting and employer branding strategy for our client itestra. The aim was to position the company as an attractive employer in the IT sector and to recruit qualified specialists. The measures included sharpening the employer brand, optimizing the application process and targeting potential candidates via various channels. Through the combination of authentic employer branding and effective recruiting strategies, itestra was able to increase its visibility and significantly increase the number of qualified applications.

If you would like to know more about the right approach to recruiting and employer branding, click here to find out more about this project.

Itestra Stage

Tip 3: Targeted recruiting channels

Use the right channels to reach your target group. In addition to traditional job portals, social networks, trade fairs and career fairs can also be valuable platforms for reaching potential employees.

The most important recruiting channels in 2024

  • Job portals: It’s no wonder that job portals are at the top of the list when people are looking for vacancies. In 2022, Statista found in a survey that more than 80% of HR partners recruit new employees via online job portals.
  • Career platforms: Platforms such as LinkedIn and Xing are also very popular when it comes to recruiting. Active sourcing is a term used in HR management to describe the proactive research, approach and recruitment of suitable talent.
  • Careers page: A page on the company website dedicated purely to the company’s career opportunities is almost essential these days.
  • Social media: As mentioned above, LinkedIn is the most important channel for recruiting. But other social networks such as Instagram, TikTok and Facebook can also be used to find the right applicants.
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Tip 4: Effective selection process

A well-structured selection process is crucial. In addition to traditional job interviews, practical tests, assessment centers or trial work days can help to better assess the suitability of candidates. Make sure that the process is transparent and comprehensible for everyone involved.

Case Study: ALLYSCA

Together with and for our client Allysca, we set ourselves the goal of launching a new recruiting employer branding campaign that breaks down the stereotypes of a classic call center job. Together we are developing the new employer promise (EVP): Making a career with empathy, empathy instead of a perfect CV. The corporate brand ALLYSCA will give its name to the campaign: ALLTAGSHELD, ALLERLIEBSTE, ALLESKÖNNERIN – Welcome!

This project brought with it many different challenges that needed to be solved. We developed a comprehensive employer branding and recruiting campaign that inspired applicants. Find out more here!

Allysca Header

Tip 5: Integration and familiarization

The work does not end when the contract is signed. Careful onboarding and integration of new employees is crucial for their long-term satisfaction and performance. Ensure that new team members receive all the information and support they need to quickly find their feet and become productive.


Recruiting the right employees is an ongoing process that requires strategic thinking and continuous adaptation. With clear requirements, strong employer branding, targeted recruiting channels, an effective selection process and careful onboarding, you lay the foundation for a successful team.

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